November 1, 2019

USA Internship of Maciej

Written by: DAZ

PhD student Maciej starts his three-months doctoral internship in USA. He will be staying at the Conn Center for Renewable Energy Research at the University of Louisville. He is going to be supervised by Dr. Jacek Jasinski, the Theme Leader of Materials Characterization group, an expert in electron microscopy and spectroscopic methods. His laboratory is equipped with highly specialized characterization machines including HR-TEM, HR-SEM with EDX, XPS and Raman spectrometers, and X-ray diffratometer. Maciej will be trained in most of that equipment and will continue his work on high-voltage cathode materials. The main aim for him is to receive in situ Raman data on cathode materials and complementary ex situ data sets (XRD, XPS). He will also performed measurement on raw materials using Raman, SEM and XRD. Most interesting samples will be check in TEM.

We wish Maciej good luck during his stay in USA and we wish him a pleasant and fruitful work in the new environment.